Ph.D. in Mathematics, Louisiana State University ( LSU) , 2019-2025.
Title: Approximation of Koopman Operator Semigroups.
Supervisors: Dr. Frank Neubrander (LSU) & Dr. Mustafa Hajij (University of San Francisco (USFCA)).
Topic: The main purpose of my dissertation is to study approximation methods for nonlinear systems using Bernhard Koopman’s Global Linearization Method.
Graduate Minor in Computer Science and Engineering, LSU, 2022-2025.
Projects: Sentiments analysis and Facial Recognition.
Courses: Data Structure and Algorithms, Computer Graphic, The theory of computational, and Machine Learning/Deep Learning.
M.S. in Mathematics, Memorial University of Newfoundland ( MUN), Canada.
Title: Equivariant Cohomology and GKM Theory with Applications.
Supervisors: Dr. Thomas Baird (MUN).
Topic: I studied the GKM-theory and GKM-sheaves, in particular, the higher cohomology of GKM- sheaves. Moreover, I generalized the theory to compact T -manifolds, for which H_T^{*}(X) is reflexive, see.